Are Huskies Able To Get Along With Cats?

Huskies may not be compatible in most cases with cats because of their stubbornness.

Huskies are more likely to chase smaller prey because of their natural hunting instincts.

They can be friends with one another. They can be helped to get along by your patience and your supervision.

This process might be more beneficial if you start it early than later.

Why Some People Might Want Their Cats And Dogs To Get Along

Socialization is a significant factor in how dogs behave when interacting with humans and animals. People want their pets to be happy and safe.

They might do this to reduce the instances of keeping them in separate rooms. Keeping huskies and cats together might also prevent them from becoming lonely or jealous.

All dogs can become best friends with cats.

They can also be very difficult to get along with. It can depend on your previous experience or exposure to cats.

Your dog’s personality may be different from the others but some dogs are naturally sensitive to cats.

Why Are Huskies More Likely To Not Befriend Cats?

One factor your husky might not get along with cats is their natural prey drive.

Huskies hunt for prey in order to survive in winter.

Although your husky might not live in the wilderness, this genetic trait carries over. It might have the urge to chase smaller animals, from squirrels to cats.

While this isnt the case with some Huskies, there are several precautions you should take.

Huskies’ stubbornness can be a problem for some owners when trying to get their cats to like them. Inexperienced owners might find it difficult to train this breed to be around animals.

What Happens If My Husky Chases Cats?

If your cat likes running around the house, this might activate a huskys prey drive. They instinctively chase after small moving creatures in hopes of catching or harming them.

Imagine your husky running around your cat’s room and getting trapped. Your cat might hiss at your husky and attempt to swat or scratch it.

When this occurs, you should consider your huskys history with cats. If your husky experienced cat problems in their previous home, prioritize amending these issues.

Another conflict that might incite chasing includes when your pets temperaments clash with each other. A hyperactive husky might overwhelm a lax cat when they become overstimulated.

What Other Factors Should I Consider?

The husky’s prey drive is just one of the factors that will determine whether your cat will become a friend. Two other factors to consider are body language and differences in play behavior.

Body Language

Understanding the body language of each animal can lead to misunderstandings between felines, and canines. A dog might do something that is different from a cat.

A dog’s tail wagging when it plays indicates that it is excited or friendly. If a cat is agitated or unhappy, it could be indicating annoyance.

Dogs and cats also share some body language signs for distress or aggression. Examples of this behavior include stiff movement, showing their teeth, and growling at a threat.

When considering body language, remember that cats are not dogs.

Different Play Behaviors

You should also pay attention to the play styles of your cat and dog. Large huskies might display playtime behavior that is more rough than cats.

Your cat might be injured if your husky jumps on your cat. Your cat might accidentally scratch your husky’s claws if it grabs and kicks your bunny.

Separating them when a play session gets rough is a swift solution to consider.

What Can I Do To Make Husky And Cat Get Along?

Even though huskies can sometimes get along with cats, it is possible to form friendships. There are several things you can do to help them improve their relationship.

While you cannot eliminate a husky’s prey drive forever, you can reduce it. This process can take a while and may vary between dogs. However, you should not rush it.

Introduce Them Early

Introducing a husky puppy to a cat early on can reduce future conflicts. You are more likely to correct a puppy’s prey drive behaviour than an adult husky.

This integration might take longer for some cats and dogs than others. It would be best to avoid forcing your pets to interact with each other.

For more organic results, patience is a key factor.

It might be best if you keep your husky on a leash during these introductions.

Supervise Their Brief Interactions

One solution many pet owners might consider implementing is dividing their pets interaction time. Pet owners who keep their pets inside might find this more useful.

From your perspective, you might prefer having time to yourself after interacting with others.

It would be wise to start this process with five-minute meetings per day. You can gradually increase the time between them to be acquainted.

It is a good idea for pets to keep an eye on each other when they are getting closer. Your pets might accidentally provoke each other, and the situation can escalate without immediate intervention.

Take Charge Of Your Huskys’ Energy

Huskies are a strong breed and require regular physical activity to release their stored energy. Without proper stimulation, theyre more likely to chase after your cat.

Engaging your dog in play or physical activity is one solution. You can let your husky run in the yard or take them on a walk.

Some huskies might have more energy than others, depending on their age or health.

However, your cat might be less likely to run if they have some energy. Without this burst of energy, your husky wont chase your cats.

If You Have To Leave The House, Separate Your Husky From Your Cat

Pet owners often believe that allowing their cats and dogs to interact is a way for them to get closer. That isnt always the case since several circumstances can initiate negative behavior between them.

You might feel nervous leaving your pets alone if you need to leave home. You can place your cat and husky in separate rooms.

Each pet should have an area with food, water, a bathroom space, and a bed. To prevent them from engaging in destructive behavior, you should not leave toys in these areas.

If you want to manage territorial cats or huskies, these boundaries are essential.

You can place a baby gate between open doorways if the rooms are close together. It is possible for a cat to jump over the barrier, so be sure to plan carefully.

Provide Equal Attention To Them

When sharing a home with cats and huskies, its essential to give them attention. You are responsible for making sure that your pets don’t feel neglected.

While huskies are known for their openness and need to be noticed, cats are much more subdued. Theyll rub against your legs and trill when they crave a caress under their chins.

Dedicating equal hours of socialization with you is an ideal solution for keeping them happy. If you spend an hour with your husky, spend an hour with your cat.

How To Train A Husky So It Can Cooperate With Cats

Some husky owners might dedicate their time perfecting their dogs responses to commands.

Although training works for some huskies, others might have trouble resisting a chase. Use your favorite treats to distract your husky when you tell them to stay or go.

When a cat passes by your husky, wave a toy to entice them. This helps the dog to associate ignoring the cat playtime with it.

Making Your Home Suitable For Huskies And Cats

If your husky chases your cats around your house, your cat might feel vulnerable.

There are many ways your cat can feel more secure and avoid stressful situations.

To provide high perching areas for your cat, you can place shelves in their living space. You can form these shelves as a pathway for them to explore safely.

A birds-eye view can be very helpful for cats to see the space from a different perspective. They have a safe place to go if they need to get away from you husky.

Your cat might feel safer from a husky whos ready to chase.

If the husky chases a cat, it may climb its cat tower or shelves. The husky may not be able to access the space depending on its height.

Installing these perches accommodates a cats instincts, similar to a huskys innate prey drive. It satisfies their needs of observing their territory and getting the privacy they need.


Most huskies have natural prey drives, which might interfere with getting along with cats.

Their stubborn and energetic temperaments might clash with cats with lax or skittish personalities. Pet owners unfamiliar with specific pet body language might contribute to this unrest.

It typically takes a lot of effort to build relationships between huskies and cats. Even if you bring them in early, you will need to monitor their interactions.

It would help if you balanced their limited time together and their time with you. Other practical solutions include training your huskie and providing safe areas for your cats.